David Of One

Sunday, June 04, 2006

So what is this "David of One" stuff?

My name is David.

I like my name ... it's one of the few things I like about myself for which I had no control or choice about.

Names are important and when my Bride and I chose our sons names we chose carefully, even prayerfuly. I think most of us approach this with the same mindset.

Anyway a few years back the U.S. Army started an advertising campign of the "Army of One". In part, I kinda thought this was silly. But, in truth, an army is made up of individuals bound together by a shared commitment (albeit the motivations for such may differ).

Glenn Reynolds wrote a book called "AN ARMY OF DAVIDS" ... essentially it is an exploration of the impact of the Internet and the "Davids" going against the Goliaths of the major media and polictal machines ... etc. (a very brief description). You can checkout Glenn's website at: www.instapundit.com

So ... An Army of One ... An Army of Davids ... David of One.

Just one of me combined with many.
David of One, 6/04/2006 10:50:00 AM