Monday, September 29, 2008
UPDATE - NOW $600M!!! Obama's got $426.9 in campaign money. $200M is from unknown and unreported sources!
"Secret, Foreign Money Floods into Obama Campaign"
No doubt it is not the first time foreign interests have played a major role in U.S. politics ...
UPDATE! Obama's "donations" are now over $600M!!!!
For more details see here!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Homeland Security Can Read Your Mind?
Oh really?!?
Apparently Homeland Security has a "cutting-edge" Human Factors division that has a Science and Technology Directorate.
They claim to have a machine that is a body scanner that can read your mind. Essentially it can tell if your thinking bad thoughts!
Ooooooooo! Technology with video scanner, flashy-blinky lights and can tell if someone is thinking bad enough thoughts to be detained and/or not permitted to travel.
So a person can be quickly labeled and cataloged for the appearence of bad thoughts.
The system is call "MALINTENT". Homeland Security wants to put the systems into a bunch of mobile "labs" called "Future Attribute Screening Technology" or "FAST".
So much to consider ... a system/project called MALINTENT ... Homeland Security has a Directorate of Science and Technology. Yep, a Directorate no less!
More details can be found here - MALINTENT
More on this later ... just read it over and view the video. You'll feel so much safer especially if it keeps just ONE ugly person off the plane!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Bane has passed.
Wendy, Bane's longtime friend, setup an account to help Bane's Wife and young children with their immediate needs and hospital bills.
Please go to the following link to donate: Bane's Family Fund
Bane has passed away ...
Bane passed away today with his loved ones at his side.
A fundraiser is being put together for his Wife, young children and hospital bills.
I will post more about this as it becomes available.
Though he and I had never met except through the blogsphere, I call him friend and Brother in Christ.
I will miss him.
Please pray for his family.
His website is
His daughter has this site:
His longtime friend, LL, is here: