David Of One

Saturday, December 03, 2011

It has been a while - okay it has been a couple of years.

It has been so long since I posted anything ... so much work, so much work related travel.

When I am finally home, I prefer to read and comment on other blogs rather than post to my own blog.

It isn't for a lack of thoughts, ideas or concerns with which I'm interested in sharing with others ... rather, I think, it is a desire to spend more time for myself and my family.

In the truest sense it is that my interests, observations and thoughts are actually expansive enough that putting them to "paper" would involve a full-time endeavor.

Then there is the underlying concern ... fear actually, that I'd just be wasting my time.  There certainly would be NO waste of time on a individual to individual basis ... people are important to me.  I care about nearly everyone I meet.  The point is that Life Is Good!  It is just that there seem to be so many issues that threaten us as individuals as a people that it "feels" hopeless.  I'll visit this more another time, but know that I think that ... "Feelings are real, but that feelings aren't always based on reality.".

On a individual level each us of can effect positive change for one another as free men and women. When free people ... individuals, ascribe to a common set of values ... first and foremost individually ... then and only then as a group of free men and women that live by a simple set of values ... individual standards that are applied to one's life and to our interaction with one another ... amazing things can happen in this life beyond our individual selves.

This then causes one to wonder what do I mean as being "free"?  What is meant by a common set of  "standards"?

What traits, what manner of living as individuals lends itself to accelerating the maturity, the knowledge and our individual understanding that promotes our growth individual and severally?

What set of common standards promotes individual health and well-being and is a fundamental set of criteria that will better produce a healthy group of people ... even so much as to extend to a nation of like minded individuals without sacrificing our individuality?  Is this even possible?

For me, I have considered these kind of questions for sometime.  Actually a long time.

I think that this is more than a competitive philosophical position ... I would argue that this represents a fundamental idea the presents a more reliable outcome that is normal and healthy.  The idea that encouraging the nurturing and growth of strong individuals with a healthy sense of self and a knowledge that there is much to learn from one another is ultimately a foundation for a healthy society.

Where we are today, at this moment, provides us with knowledge borne of thousands of years of history and life.

I don't think it is difficult to put into context ... many cultures represent the distillation of knowledge of their forefathers and fore-mothers.

Throughout human history it is predominantly known and understood that individual growth first, then family, then community ... expanding outward.

There is more for most of us perceive and ascribe to the idea that there is more to this life, more to us than just what is seen.  We have a sense that there is an unseen aspect of our lives ... of this life.

I certainly want to explore this some more.  With you, with others.

This is a matter of Life.  It is a matter of Love.  Life Is Good!

David of One, 12/03/2011 06:13:00 PM | link |