David Of One

Saturday, December 03, 2011

It has been a while - okay it has been a couple of years.

It has been so long since I posted anything ... so much work, so much work related travel.

When I am finally home, I prefer to read and comment on other blogs rather than post to my own blog.

It isn't for a lack of thoughts, ideas or concerns with which I'm interested in sharing with others ... rather, I think, it is a desire to spend more time for myself and my family.

In the truest sense it is that my interests, observations and thoughts are actually expansive enough that putting them to "paper" would involve a full-time endeavor.

Then there is the underlying concern ... fear actually, that I'd just be wasting my time.  There certainly would be NO waste of time on a individual to individual basis ... people are important to me.  I care about nearly everyone I meet.  The point is that Life Is Good!  It is just that there seem to be so many issues that threaten us as individuals as a people that it "feels" hopeless.  I'll visit this more another time, but know that I think that ... "Feelings are real, but that feelings aren't always based on reality.".

On a individual level each us of can effect positive change for one another as free men and women. When free people ... individuals, ascribe to a common set of values ... first and foremost individually ... then and only then as a group of free men and women that live by a simple set of values ... individual standards that are applied to one's life and to our interaction with one another ... amazing things can happen in this life beyond our individual selves.

This then causes one to wonder what do I mean as being "free"?  What is meant by a common set of  "standards"?

What traits, what manner of living as individuals lends itself to accelerating the maturity, the knowledge and our individual understanding that promotes our growth individual and severally?

What set of common standards promotes individual health and well-being and is a fundamental set of criteria that will better produce a healthy group of people ... even so much as to extend to a nation of like minded individuals without sacrificing our individuality?  Is this even possible?

For me, I have considered these kind of questions for sometime.  Actually a long time.

I think that this is more than a competitive philosophical position ... I would argue that this represents a fundamental idea the presents a more reliable outcome that is normal and healthy.  The idea that encouraging the nurturing and growth of strong individuals with a healthy sense of self and a knowledge that there is much to learn from one another is ultimately a foundation for a healthy society.

Where we are today, at this moment, provides us with knowledge borne of thousands of years of history and life.

I don't think it is difficult to put into context ... many cultures represent the distillation of knowledge of their forefathers and fore-mothers.

Throughout human history it is predominantly known and understood that individual growth first, then family, then community ... expanding outward.

There is more for most of us perceive and ascribe to the idea that there is more to this life, more to us than just what is seen.  We have a sense that there is an unseen aspect of our lives ... of this life.

I certainly want to explore this some more.  With you, with others.

This is a matter of Life.  It is a matter of Love.  Life Is Good!

David of One, 12/03/2011 06:13:00 PM | link |

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More to come!

Surgery, infection and recovery ... I've been busy alright.

At times it does seem the hard way for certain.

More later!

David of One, 5/19/2009 10:37:00 PM | link |

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Resolution Road or Capitulation Highway?

Pat Boone has written an article regarding "Resolution Road or Capitulation Highway" or ... "What we need? Or what we deserve?"

As Election Day rapidly approaches this coming November 4th ... it is my hope and prayer that as a nation we haven't gone so far as to what we might "deserve".
David of One, 11/01/2008 05:17:00 PM | link |

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This does seem to get right to the point of those things happening today ... Humanity's insurrection against God

Humanity's insurrection against God

Follow the link ... read it and leave your thoughts.
David of One, 10/28/2008 08:47:00 AM | link |

Saturday, October 25, 2008

T-Mobile G1 appears to be really interesting ... especially since the OS is open source!

Has anyone else taken note of the new T-Mobile phone called "G1"?

The G1 features a number of Google based apps ...  I'm not a fan of all things Google but I do have an appreciation of the applications.

The G1 runs the Android OS ... Open Linux for all practical intents ... 

More about the G1 can be read here


The OS is really interesting ... some of the features are:

-Application framework enabling reuse and replacement of components

-Dalvik virtual machine optimized for mobile devices

(Apparently each app runs in its own Dalvik VM)

-Integrated browser based on the open source WebKit engine 

-Optimized graphics powered by a custom 2D graphics library; 3D graphics based on the OpenGL ES 1.0 specification (hardware acceleration optional)

-SQLite for structured data storage

-Media support for common audio, video, and still image formats (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF)

-GSM Telephony (hardware dependent)

-Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi (hardware dependent)

-Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent)

-Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling, and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE

More details of the OS can be found here:  


David of One, 10/25/2008 10:10:00 PM | link |

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Neat Quote!

If you can read this, thank a teacher.

If it is in English, thank a Soldier.

Thus far I haven't been able to attribute an exact source ... but it is a fantastic quote!!!!
David of One, 10/23/2008 02:50:00 AM | link |

Monday, September 29, 2008

UPDATE - NOW $600M!!! Obama's got $426.9 in campaign money. $200M is from unknown and unreported sources!

"Secret, Foreign Money Floods into Obama Campaign"


No doubt it is not the first time foreign interests have played a major role in U.S. politics ...

UPDATE! Obama's "donations" are now over $600M!!!!

For more details see here!

David of One, 9/29/2008 10:09:00 PM | link |

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Homeland Security Can Read Your Mind?

Oh really?!?

Apparently Homeland Security has a "cutting-edge" Human Factors division that has a Science and Technology Directorate.

They claim to have a machine that is a body scanner that can read your mind.  Essentially it can tell if your thinking bad thoughts!  

Ooooooooo!  Technology with video scanner, flashy-blinky lights and can tell if someone is thinking bad enough thoughts to be detained and/or not permitted to travel.

So a person can be quickly labeled and cataloged for the appearence of bad thoughts.

The system is call "MALINTENT".  Homeland Security wants to put the systems into a bunch of mobile "labs" called  "Future Attribute Screening Technology" or "FAST".

So much to consider ... a system/project called MALINTENT ... Homeland Security has a Directorate of Science and Technology.  Yep, a Directorate no less!

More details can be found here - MALINTENT

More on this later ... just read it over and view the video.  You'll feel so much safer especially if it keeps just ONE ugly person off the plane!

David of One, 9/27/2008 12:49:00 PM | link |

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bane has passed.


Wendy, Bane's longtime friend, setup an account to help Bane's Wife and young children with their immediate needs and hospital bills.

Please go to the following link to donate:  Bane's Family Fund

Bane has passed away ...

Bane passed away today with his loved ones at his side.

A fundraiser is being put together for his Wife, young children and hospital bills.

I will post more about this as it becomes available.

Though he and I had never met except through the blogsphere, I call him friend and Brother in Christ.

I will miss him.

Please pray for his family.

His website is  banedad.blogspot.com

His daughter has this site:  maidenmagnetic.blogspot.com

His longtime friend, LL, is here:  www.chromedcurses.com

David of One, 9/22/2008 08:35:00 PM | link |

Friday, May 23, 2008

In Okinawa with our Soldiers and Marines

I've been in Okinawa for the last few weeks.  I truly enjoy the people.

What would make it much more enjoyable would be to share in the experience with my wife.  A lot of neat stuff to see but its not as enjoyable without her company.  After nearly thirty-three years we enjoy each others company tremendously.  As a matter of fact I'll be here during our anniversary come mid-June.  Dang!

For me, I do enjoy being here with our Soldiers and Marines.  It is a unique opportunity and I am thankful for it.

I need to take some pictures and post them here ... stay tuned.
David of One, 5/23/2008 06:28:00 PM | link |

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Okay, I've really been remiss

This last Monday, March 10th, represents 1 year since I became very, very sick ... resulting in three surgeries and more than four months of recovery.

What a wild, painful and repeatedly near death ride.

Though through it all a few lessons have been learned ... I hope.

For now, and maybe the next forty years or so, I have no yearning desire to meet any new doctors or surgeons.

I probably should have posted more to the blog since during it all I did have time to work in Japan and Germany. But keeping my head "above the water" was a full time effort with repeated medical issues.

More to come ... Life Is Good!!!
David of One, 3/12/2008 10:36:00 PM | link |

Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Free and Robust Bible Program: e-Sword

There is a FREE and very robust Bible program called e-Sword.

This comes to all of us from Rick Meyers.

It is free for the downloading ... what's more it's free to copy and give to others ... but for a very small donation you'll be sent a CD with an incredible amount of different Bible translations, references and more ... much more ... it is worthy of our support!

Check it out at http://www.e-sword.net/ .

(Yes, this is an unsolicited endorsement!)
David of One, 7/29/2007 11:16:00 AM | link |

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bad Climate Data??? You betcha!!!

This video is very interesting ... BAD data makes for BAD policy ... checkout this Fox News video report:

Global Warming Hype! GIGO!!!

Hint: GIGO: Garbage In Garbage Out

the website http://www.surfacestations.org/ has photos of climate data gathering stations around the county ... there are about 1,200 of them around the US.

Many appear to be improperly installed ... for instance near a A/C exhaust or in the middle of a paved parking lot. Most appear to be installed at sewage treatment plants ... more than somewhat indicative of the invalid nature of data being gathered!

Bottom line: If the data is bad due to moronic placement of climate measuring stations then any discussion as to "global warming" actually occurring is invalid.


Yep! BAD data!

Hey, most of the hottest years in the U.S. were in the 1930s!

Of course even that might be suspect since there seems to be more than a little trouble measuring the temperature! Then and now!

For more details see: BAD-DATA-BAD-POLICY


Hold the bits of the blog!

$100,000 is being offered to the first person to prove that humans are causing harmful GLOBAL WARMING!

Practice on that computer keyboard (or sharpen that seemingly useless pencil)!

Yep! 'BAD' naysayers of human caused GLOBAL WARMING are offering money here:

David of One, 7/19/2007 09:20:00 PM | link |

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A rare occurance

Last month a friend sent me the following link ...

Paul Potts

I was surprised as I am not a big fan of Opera or even less so American Idol, or in this case, Britain's Got Talent - British Idol.

It is a treat so see a unassuming, shy unknown reach up and "ring the bell" ... hard!!!  

Hope you enjoy it as I have.

Note:  There's a few other videos available besides the one I've linked to ... essentially chronicling the "rise" of Paul Potts.
David of One, 7/18/2007 02:58:00 PM | link |

Sunday, July 16, 2006

A slight shift in the PC Paradigm is about due

Over the last twenty years or so we've had incredible advances in technology ... particularly in digital consumer electronics ... Personal Computers ... digital cameras, printers, cell phones and GPS ... Etcetera.  Oh! And HDTV and digital TV broadcasting!

Now we have dual core processors. With high clock speeds combined with impressive bus and memory data transfer rates ... We are about due for a shift in the PC paradigm.

PCs, and their Operating Systems, have been able to utilized multiple processors for sometime.

Essentially the CPU still handles nearly all user interfaces and program execution.

The result, between the CPU and the OS, was that simple user functions ... such as moving the mouse around vigorously... resulted in a marked negative performance impact.

On early Windows based systems you could watch CPU utilization increase dramatically just by moving the mouse around the desktop. With faster processors and corresponding increases in bus performance this is not as noticeable as it once was just six years ago or so. But the inherent architectural problem remains ... the CPU processes almost all of the user interface (GUI) and program execution.

At some point, hopefully very soon, we should anticipate that the OS will begin to utilize these multiple processors to divide the workload between the GUI and program execution.

The result should be that the GUI should not be impacted by program execution and overall system management. Inversely, neither should the processing of "work" be negatively impacted by the user interface.

Changing the user interface such that the GUI processes are dedicated to a single processor and the actual performance of program execution be allocated to other individual processors (CPUs) should increase performance and stability.

The time for the end of a "hung" system and/or GUI should be considerably closer to being a reality.

It seems to me that additional hardware changes would be needed to better achieve this goal ... more buses, shared and dedicated memory would probably make the design and system management easier.

Hopefully a much smarter IO sub-system would finally become a reality ... quick example ... defragmention of the HDD shouldn't be a normal end-user activity ... if the CPU needs data for a program, fine, a data request is made and the main CPU doesn't concern itself with where the data lives or what format it is in ... it should work similar to how graphics cards work today ... it is predominantly an externally managed process.

I would think, hope, that Linux/Unix operating systems would have an easier time achieving this than Windows ...

Regardless, I would anticipate changes of this nature within the near future ... say 3 years ... maybe a little longer ... this assumes that it is even on the radar of the system architects. 
David of One, 7/16/2006 03:22:00 PM | link |

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Some interesting speeches at Imprimis

For about 15 years or so I've received a monthly publication called Imprimis, from Hillsdale College.

Each month speeches from a variety of speakers are presented.

So if you are unfamiliar with Hillsdale or the publication Imprimis check the following out.

The month of June featured:

"“A New Feminism"

by Harvey C. Mansfield
Harvard University

The month of July has
"“Free to Choose: A Conversation with Milton Friedman"


Saturday, June 17, 2006

An Anniversary, Helicopter and The Royal Gorge

After a little more than thirty years of marriage my Bride and I decide to do something different, like a helicopter ride over and through the Royal Gorge (Southern Colorado).

Prior to this I had mentioned the idea to some very good friends whom had wisely recommended that maybe we might forego the helicopter and instead enjoy the Dinner Train through the Royal Gorge. While this suggestion was both wise and prudent we took the helicopter.

Think about it ... you take a perfectly good helicopter and 3 healthy people and go into a gorge that is over a thousand feet deep with the Arkansas river flowing through down below ... why not? ... only high winds and really big rocks to worry about with a raging spring river waiting down below. What's to worry about? The contraption doesn't even have wings to hit the rock walls!

Ruby began to get nervous and wanted to sit in the back ... I wouldn't hear of it and insisted that she sit up front with the pilot as I have flown in choppers before during my "active duty days" (USAF, UPT). I was sitting in the back.

Here is the helicopter and our pilot:

At about 130 mph we crossed U.S. Highway 50 and headed to the Gorge.

About this time I am feeling a bit woosey ... here I am in the back of the chopper messing around with the camera while we are pulling light g's and banking around the terrain ... I'm pointing the camera one way while the chopper goes another! A bit of nausea is beginning to surface! (Dang! I know better!)

Our pilot crossed over the east side of the Royal Gorge Bridge and dropped down into the gorge and started heading west towards the bridge ... we could see the red gondola midway across the gorge walls ... it looked very small. Below I could see the railroad alongside the Arkansas river.

In the photo below you can make out the railroad tracks through the right window with the pilot sitting directly in front of me.

About this time, the smell of JP4 (jet fuel, aka diesel) is beginning to get thick in the cabin. At the beginning of the flight I had closed my side window as I was putting on my headset ... I wanted to hear better. But the smell of diesel and rising nausea ... I opened the window and wonderful fresh Colorado air from the Arkansas river blew in! Yes! It was helping!

I begin to fumble with the camera and put it into movie mode ... we are banking hard and rising above the river fast ... I'm focused on the LCD screen of the camera trying to catch it all for posterity (quickly stealing glances out the front and side windows).

The Pilot guides the chopper high above the east side of the bridge and banks hard to the north side and begins to drop down again picking up speed ... again banking in a hard turn we sink firmly into our seats as we now are now heading fast towards the south gorge wall. More power from the jet engine is applied and the pitch to the rotors is increased dramatically as we head straight towards the south wall!

About this moment claxons are going off in my head while I hear my Bride exclaim "Oh My God! Oh My God!". My stomach screams an emergency message ... "This is the Stomach! Tell the ?!#?!% Brain to put the ?!#?!% camera down our I'm coming up there and kicking the ?!#?!% out of you! NOW!!!". The camera is immediately shutoff and held to my side.

Out of the front of the chopper nothing but rock wall fills the windscreen ... the pilot pulls the stick back hard and increases power again!!! ... we begin climbing the wall with nothing but rock showing out the front and sides ... we are not moving anywhere except we are laid back hard against our seats as we continue to climb with the nose of the chopper pointed skyward! I look towards the bottom of the chopper and there's nothing but rock!

YES!!! What a kick in the arse this is!! We bank slightly right and come over the south rim of the gorge!!!

Banking hard again, we head back over the north rim and back to the helipad. What an adventure!

Excitedly Ruby egresses the helicopter very happy and talking about our adventure!!! She's ready for more!

I, though, am at about 20% of my tolerable nausea scale ... it will take the next hour and a half before it disappears ... thankfully.

With a last look back ... engine still running and rotors spinning down ...

Life IS Good!

One quick update:

If you are interested in a similar adventure at the Royal Gorge you can go here for more information. (Yes, this is an unsolicited endorsement)

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I am surprised ... kinda ... really.

I don't have any details but I was having lunch with a friend today whom has been teaching public school for a few decades ... part of the conversion involved, hearsay at this point, that a shortage of about 10,000 teachers nationwide is anticipated within the next couple of years and large school districts have already started looking overseas for teachers ... Spain and the Philippines was mentioned.

Apparently with teachers retiring and a sizable proportion of other teachers deciding not to continuing teaching there appears to be a looming shortage of a 'noble' career field that Americans don't won't to do ... so outsourcing is being pursued so American public school students can be taught.

While most businesses might attempt to find out why a sizable number teachers might not want to return to the classroom ... a number of large districts are looking overseas to shore-up the shortfall.

Certainly it couldn't be outsourcing like the technical professions? Or could it?

Assuming the veracity of the information told to me ... imagine it ... foreigners could be teaching American elementary school children English.

BTW ... if I remember correctly (I'm not totally certain), it was mentioned that the Twin Cities district(s) were looking in the Philippines.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

So what is this "David of One" stuff?

My name is David.

I like my name ... it's one of the few things I like about myself for which I had no control or choice about.

Names are important and when my Bride and I chose our sons names we chose carefully, even prayerfuly. I think most of us approach this with the same mindset.

Anyway a few years back the U.S. Army started an advertising campign of the "Army of One". In part, I kinda thought this was silly. But, in truth, an army is made up of individuals bound together by a shared commitment (albeit the motivations for such may differ).

Glenn Reynolds wrote a book called "AN ARMY OF DAVIDS" ... essentially it is an exploration of the impact of the Internet and the "Davids" going against the Goliaths of the major media and polictal machines ... etc. (a very brief description). You can checkout Glenn's website at: www.instapundit.com

So ... An Army of One ... An Army of Davids ... David of One.

Just one of me combined with many.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

What to do with a Blog once you've got one

So you get the basics of a Blog setup and your 'ready for business' ... right?

Random thoughts, pictures, audio clips ... riveting personal thoughts for others to pine for your opine.

After considerable musing and mental hand-wringing it seems to me that a Blog should be more than opining about the days news, muse and views (I'm fairly confident that last string of words isn't original).

During the last couple of weeks I've taken time off work and essentially done little ... one of my main goals was to reverse the clock and NOT think about what needs to be accomplished at work today my first waking moment.

Yet, yesterday, I was reading a number of online news sources and I felt startled by the string of perceived significant events.

Sometime ago I started reading the newspapers less (by this time I had stopped watching television news). As time passed I began a compromise which finally resulted in my reading the headlines ... moving to the Editorials, Letters to the Editors and finish it up with the comics (which usually put me back in a cheery mood from reading the previous "stuff").

Then the online news seemed so much more palatable ... I could focus on news sources that at least filtered some of the blather & minutia and allowed me to see more of the big picture.

But yesterday it suddenly dawned on me that the look and feel of the events being reported left me with concern about the meaning of the "big picture" and that it felt much like the stuff for which I stopped listening to TV news and reading newspapers ... major media outlets.

Okay so back to the supposed issue ... what to do with a Blog?

I don't want to be a parroting shadow news source (yeah, right!) ... besides I look and feel more like a Perry White.

More thoughtful musing is needed ... but this much I am certain ... reading the thoughts and opinions of others in Blogdom is affording me and others to meet and hopefully continue to learn & maybe pass it on.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

For me, it is curious first step ... destination ... uncertain.

For me, this Blog is a curious first step ... the destination is really uncertain.

One simple goal ... or hope ... is that discourse will prevail over debate and that some meaningful measure of mutual growth will occur between myself and others who visit.

This sounds much too solemn and serious ... this had best involve Joy to Enjoy ... shared thoughts, ideas and maybe a few dreams.

Lest I take myself too seriously, someone else needs to show-up and run amok a bit.

Life is Good!

Personally I'd rather leave my footsteps firmly on this Earth as opposed to the "Ether" ... let's see what fruit is borne ...